Vocational Education Training- Glenala State High School RTO#30286
Glenala State High
School offers a range of Vocational Education and Training opportunities for
students. These include school-based apprenticeships and
traineeships, work experience, stand-alone vocational education programs
at school and TAFE programs.
CLICK HERE to view VET Qualiafications offered by Glenala SHS
CLICK HERE to view VET Qualifications offered by External RTOs
Senior Schooling Office
The Senior Schooling Office offers a ‘one- stop’
shop for students and provides information about the range of options available
including work experience, school-based traineeships and apprenticeships, short
course vocational education programs and TAFE offerings. The office provides
the opportunity for students with TAFE or training commitments to complete
course work and be cased managed by the senior schooling team.
Glenala Trade Skills Centre

Glenala Trade Skills Centre (GTSC) along with TAFE Queensland enjoy a successful partnership which aims to achieve positive educational outcomes for Years 11 and 12 students undertaking vocational certificate training.
Studying a TAFE at School Program at Glenala Trade Skills Centre with TAFE Queensland gives students the opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications that count toward their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
The centre partners with three local schools (Centenary State High School, Stretton State College, and Western Suburbs Special School) to provide specialised vocational training in the fields of engineering, supply chain and automotive (heavy vehicle). The courses at the centre are open to any students from any school.
Glenala Trade Skills Centre is a modern, well-equipped facility where students can undertake accredited Certificate II training while at school. GTSC works very closely with peak bodies like Heavy Vehicle Industry of Australia to provide authentic work experience opportunities for students studying the Automotive program at the centre.
Glenala SHS/GTSC is a member of the Advanced Manufacturing Gateways Schools program (GISP). This membership allows students and teachers exposure to external training, work-experience and employment opportunities.
The other important membership is with the Queensland Mineral and Energy Academy (QMEA). This is another example of engaging with external peak bodies to provide students and staff with opportunities and exposure to industries/business and programs to keep up with the fast-changing world of today.
In 2021 Glenala Trade Skills Centre was selected by the Department of Education to show case successful outcomes through authentic pathways.
For more information about what our Trade Skills Centre has to offer to our students and community, please contact Sharina Gibney, Head of Senior Schooling on 3877 4222 or 0436 638 950, or click the link below
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships
provide students with the opportunity to commence their chosen apprenticeship
or traineeship prior to leaving school. Students can commence their career path
by combining school, paid work and off-the-job training. The students may
attend school four days per week, work one day, with training supervised
by a Registered Training Organisation. These arrangements can be modified
to suit the needs of the students and the employer if necessary. On completion
of the apprenticeship or traineeship, students are eligible to receive a
nationally recognised qualification. Any competencies that are completed prior
to leaving at the end of Year 12 can contribute to the Queensland Certificate
of Education.
Work Experience
Work experience is unpaid work that provides
students with the opportunity to experience the workplace in an area that they
feel they may be interested in pursuing in the future. The experience
allows students to explore career paths, gain knowledge, skills and values relevant
to the workplace, increase their confidence and make contacts that could lead
to future jobs. Students go out on work experience one day per week. These
programs are managed by the Senior Schooling Office and all enquiries should be
directed to the senior school office.
TAFE Programs
A range of vocational courses (Certificate) are offered to senior secondary students by TAFE Institutes. Each of the Institutes will advertise expressions of interest at the end of the school year, these courses will commence the following year. Students must complete Expressions of Interest to be considered for these programs. When successful, students will receive an enrolment pack from TAFE via email. If a course involves payment, enrolment will only be confirmed by TAFE when payment of fees is received by TAFE (before the course commences). Students can gain information regarding these courses at the Senior Schooling Office or by visiting the websites provided. All TAFE programs must be approved through by application via the Senior Schooling Office.
Unique Student Indentifier (USI)
All students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses will be required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). There is no cost to register for a USI. Registration must be made on the Australian Government USI website. Once registration is complete, USI information must be supplied to the school to enable VET enrolment.
Link and Launch Program
Click here for more information on how our Senior Schooling Team can support students to successfully transition to further study, training, or work.
Sharina Gibney
Head of Department - Senior Schooling
Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Manager
RTO - #30286
Contact details